Speaking during an interview, Nnenna said the incident took place along the expressway linking Aba and Obehie. “It happened around 7:30pm on our way back home from my Aunty’s shop, we were stopped by some military men with one military camouflage-coloured hilux”. One among them asked us where we were coming from, my Aunty told them we are coming back from the shop. “When one of the military personnel in front of the vehicle saw the Biafran bangle on my wrist, he said “So na una dey shout Biafra – Biafra?”. They opened the back door, push I and my Aunt insi de and drove away towards Obehie road.
Some minutes later, they stopped at a lonely area along the expressway and ordered us to come down. That was were they r ape us”.
When asked if she can recognize the military men who molested and r ape them, Nnenna said: “I can’t really recognise the 3 military men because it was almost late around 8pm besides they left us at the scene of the incident with a serious threat to hunt and kill us if we mention to the public, what happened that very evening.
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