I want to start by congratulating the President- Elect of the United States of America Donald Trump whose victory goes a long way to show the difference between Americans and Nigerians.
1)Nigerians have always voted in line with Media propaganda i.e who the media tells them is the right candidate not taking their time to research if what is written is true or not, how biased are those articles, who is truly the Best candidate.
In 2011media told us to vote Jonathan as our great leader sent specially by God and we did, In 2015 the media hyped Buhari as the second coming of Mandela,Gandhi and all great leaders put together we followed like sheep led to the slaughter.
Americans did not instead they put on their thinking cap and analysed the situation by themselves not letting the biased media decide for them and voted who they think not what the biased media thinks, despite the bad image given to Trump, fake opinion pools etc. Trump came out victorious.
2) Nigerians have always voted in line with who the Godfathers want not what they want for themselves. In 2011 all political Godfathers stood behind Jonathan and he of course won while in 2015 they queued behind Buhari and he of course won too.
In America most of the Top politicians were anti-Trump infact many top republican politicians were against him, that did not stop the American people from choosing who they want for themselves.
I conclude with this, Is high time Nigerians start deciding for themselves and stop believing lies during campaigns, take some time and do your research, Think if the promises are feasible and decide for yourself who to give your vote To. STOP VOTING CASUALLY BECAUSE EVERY VOTE IS IMPORTANT.
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