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By Zubby E. K.
I don’t wish anyone death, though death is inevitable.
There are many things that kill humans, one of them is old age.
In Buhari’s case, this inevitable old age is here.
When I read people calling on Nigerians to pray for Buhari, I just wonder what the prayers would do for him. Being a realist, I already know no amount of prayers would bring Buhari back to 40 years of age. His task as president requires strength.
No one prays against nature, if you every try to work against nature, it comes back in double fold.
And whether we like it or not, the old man is no longer capable of doing anything for himself. He barely stood on his feet during campaigne in 2014.
Over 3 years later, we are still debating about his capabilities.
No one, even the bigots supporting Buhari on the Internet, voted him to live in London.
But they have foolishly diverted from that, they are more concerned in attacking anyone who asks why a president of the largest black nation on earth has not been in his country for months.
One big things they fail to see is that if Nigeria gets it wrong, the entire West Africa and Africa at large suffers.  

Unfortunately in this politically, tribally and religiously divided and confused disorganised land called Nigeria, every group sees things differently. And the worst problem is that everyone sees things in a wrong way.
Coming to the pictures of Buhari and his allies, posted few days ago, I am sorry to say that I am not convinced that it’s authentic. Well, thats my opinion.
If I can easily believe such non moving pictures in this age of photoshop applications, where one could easily place the picture of Jesus Christ on the same table with Rochas Okorocha flawlessly, then I must be a fool.
What happened to videos? Atleast videos could show the Nigerian people some body movements of their president.
In this age where every mobile phone has video applications, no one in that room deemed it fit to get us 20 seconds video of our leader.
Well, some politically blinded people would tell us that videos were not allowed. And we keep running in circles.
No one is taking powers away from APC without elections, therefore power should be handed fully to Osinbajo. If the APC doesn’t trust him well enough to lead in the absence of incapacitated PMB, Then we are in trouble.
In conclusion, until we see our president talking or eating in a video, we would keep assuming he is not there.
And for silly bigots gearing up to attack me first before thinking, return to the third word in this last sentence; that’s how I see you, even before you respond.

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