The xenophobic attack launched on Nigerians in South Africa has become a major point of concern to people within and outside the country. It is intriguing that Nigerians in that country are subjected to a fate as terrible as that given the origin of both countries. reports that within the last two years, about 116 Nigerians have lost their lives in South Africa through extra-judicial means. The federal government has called the South African Government to take firm measures that will protect Nigerian citizens and other Africans in the country.
The situation at hand has left many people befuddled as no one ever expected that a country that has fought so hard to overcome apartheid will turn her back on other Africans.
Racism is at its peak in South Africa as the most of the citizens are ethnocentric and are unwilling to tolerate citizens from other countries.
Many reasons have been launched forward as to why Nigerians are being attacked by South Africans. Even though some of the reasons are farcical, one cannot help but consider the element of truth in them.
Check out the reasons why Nigerians are being attacked by South Africans:
1. Ignorance and misinformation being peddled by the country’s media
South African media will have to intensify on the things they generate; with the way things are, the country’s media is being perceived not to have given the citizens the right information about Nigeria.
South African media will have to intensify on the things they generate; with the way things are, the country’s media is being perceived not to have given the citizens the right information about Nigeria.
2. Erroneous impression that every Nigerian is a criminal
With the type of news being spread in the country, most of the citizens have the impression that most Nigerians are criminal and criminals do not deserve to be treated with mercy.
With the type of news being spread in the country, most of the citizens have the impression that most Nigerians are criminal and criminals do not deserve to be treated with mercy.
3. Ignorance of Nigeria’s contributions to South African economy
South Africans do not know the contributions of Nigeria to their economy. If they have the slightest inkling about this, there is the possibility that things would play out differently.
South Africans do not know the contributions of Nigeria to their economy. If they have the slightest inkling about this, there is the possibility that things would play out differently.
4. Negative impression about Nigerians in the minds of South African citizens
No matter how hard people try to make South Africans straighten their acts, most of them will keep hating Nigerians. This is because they have poisoned thoughts towards Nigerians.
No matter how hard people try to make South Africans straighten their acts, most of them will keep hating Nigerians. This is because they have poisoned thoughts towards Nigerians.
5. Ignorance of the role played by Nigerians during the Apartheid white rule
The contribution of Nigerians to the liberation of black South Africans during Apartheid White rule should be another reason why South Africans should spare Nigerians and other Africans from their xenophobic attacks. Their actions however, prove that history is not a compulsory course for them.
The contribution of Nigerians to the liberation of black South Africans during Apartheid White rule should be another reason why South Africans should spare Nigerians and other Africans from their xenophobic attacks. Their actions however, prove that history is not a compulsory course for them.
6. Some Nigerians are said to engage in crime
To be factual, criminal activities will increase with the influx of people from other towns or cities to a settlement area.
To be factual, criminal activities will increase with the influx of people from other towns or cities to a settlement area.
This however, does not prove that the foreigners are responsible for the crime committed in the area as the host citizens may also use the opportunity to carry out some heinous crimes while painting the visitors as being bad. South Africans already think Nigerians engage in crime.
7. Allegations that Nigerian men take their beautiful girls
There is an existing allegation that Nigerian men take and date their beautiful girls. This could be another reason men from South Africa will be willing to deal with Nigerians. Although this allegation is ridiculous, it could contribute to one of the reasons Nigerians are being attacked.
There is an existing allegation that Nigerian men take and date their beautiful girls. This could be another reason men from South Africa will be willing to deal with Nigerians. Although this allegation is ridiculous, it could contribute to one of the reasons Nigerians are being attacked.
8. South African media is owned by powerful interests groups who push xenophobic agenda against Nigerians
The xenophobic attacks being launched on Nigeria may be propelled by the powerful groups behind the South African media. Nigerians are not safe with the ill thoughts being nursed against them by their fellow Africans.
The xenophobic attacks being launched on Nigeria may be propelled by the powerful groups behind the South African media. Nigerians are not safe with the ill thoughts being nursed against them by their fellow Africans.
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