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President Trump keeps sending out a clear message. Immigration to America is a privilege, not a right. If you want to come and stay, you must contribute.
President Trump’s administration will be looking to roll out more restrictions on immigrants planning to enter the U.S., as well as those already in the country. The administration would be seeking to “deny admission to any alien who is likely to become a public charge” and develop standards for “determining” whether an immigrant can be deported after five years, if that person receives a certain amount of public assistance, including Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Medicaid.
The second order, titled “Executive Order on Protecting American Jobs and Workers by Strengthening the Integrity of Foreign Worker Visa Programs” calls for eliminating the jobs magnet that is driving illegal immigration to the United States. The order would rescind any work visa provisions for foreign nationals found not to be in “the national interest” or in violation of U.S. immigration laws.
Illegal Immigrants living in sanctuary cities can apply for and get, public assistance without fear of deportation. Their illegal status is kept confidential. They come and go at will.
The term “sanctuary city” is a generalized description where city funds are not used to implement federal immigration laws. These cities have decided by legal regulation not to inquire about the immigration status of the people in which they come in contact. In other words, it’s another form of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” Sanctuary cities continue to be a festering public-safety concern throughout the country. ICE has identified about 300 cities that are uncooperative and obstruct immigration enforcement. There are four whole states, California, Connecticut, New Mexico, and Colorado that have declared as sanctuary states.
A detainer is the primary tool used by ICE to gain custody of illegals for deportation. It’s a notice to other law enforcement agencies that ICE intends to take custody of the alien. It also includes information on the alien’s criminal history, immigration violations and potential threat to public safety. While many Americans, even veterans, struggle with getting adequate medical care, not so with the illegals. Medical care provided to illegal immigrants is costly for New York City’s legal residents. A 2002 report by the United States General Accounting Office, in-patient care in hospitals provided to illegal immigrants cost the state $474 million.

 However, this figure fails to include the out-patient costs associated with treating the illegal immigrant population in emergency rooms. When these figures are included, the overall taxpayer-funded, non-reimbursed medical outlays for health care provided to the state’s illegal immigrant population amount to an estimated $690 million a year.
In Your Neighborhood?
           In Your Neighborhood?

This flies in the face of globalism and open borders. Just look how that’s worked out for Europe. Angela Merkel and European Union leaders are reeling from the defeats they’re facing from their open borders policies. Their globalist agenda is being challenged by the voters in their respective countries. The United Nations won’t give up on it and plans to push for the New World Order. 

Brexit is an abbreviation for “British exit,” which refers to the June 23, 2016, referendum whereby British citizens voted to exit the European Union. With an austerity program in place and its economy barely out of recession, Britain is one of several European countries whose voters appear disenchanted with mainstream politicians and worried about social and economic issues, including immigration. The proposed changes would make it easier to deport foreigners who commit serious crimes, increase fines on companies that use illegal labor and force private landlords to check the immigration status of their tenants. Temporary immigrants would also be required to pay for some of their health care.
On immigration, the government said its new measures would seek to stop immigrants from using public services to which they are not entitled, make it harder to appeal deportation orders, regulate access to health care for immigrants, and prevent illegal immigrants from obtaining driver’s licenses.

I Love My Food Stamps!
 I Love My Food Stamps!

The conditions that exist today in Germany are like what they were in the 1920’s in respect to immigration. Now as then, it could lead to extreme elements coming forth to apply their version of nationalism. We’ve learned through history that’s a dangerous place for Germany to be. It’s a dangerous place for our country to be.
Germany has been under siege from a flood of refugees from Syria. The backlash from the far-right has been intense. Copies of Mein Kampf have been flying off the shelves.
“Besides naturalization that is acquired through the fact of having been born within the confines of a State there exists another kind of naturalization which can be acquired later. This process is subject to various preliminary requirements. “One condition is that, if possible, the applicant must not be a burglar or a common street thug. It is required that he shall not be a burden to the State of which he wishes to become a citizen. In this realistic epoch of ours this last condition naturally only means that he must not be a financial burden. If the affairs of the candidate are such that it appears likely he will turn out to be a good taxpayer, that is a very important consideration and will help him to obtain civic rights more rapidly.” —- Adolf Hitler 
Extremism leads to extremism. We have some challenging times ahead as we take back control of our country. Thankfully, we have the strong leadership of Donald Trump to get us there. We’re going to need it.

*This piece appeared first on Conservative Daily Post

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