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Democrats, especially Hillary and her campaign, have been exposed as liars, hypocrites, and even criminals during this election process. While we may be breathing a sigh of relief that she will not be our next President, she and her advisers continue to be a threat to national security.
Hillary Clinton lost and we narrowly escaped finding out what sort of destruction she could have done in 4 years in the White House.
A Hillary cabinet would have certainly included John Podesta. Former Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, he served as Hillary’s campaign chairman. His long relationship with and continued devotion to the Clintons would have secured him a vital position in the White House.
Podesta has been on the political front for many years. Ironically he has always been an opponent t of excessive classification regarding government documents. In a 2004 speech at Princeton University condemned what he called the U.S.’s “excessive government secrecy” and “bloated secrecy bureaucracy.” Podesta has called Executive Order 12958, “which set tough standards for classifying documents and led to the unprecedented effort to declassify millions of pages from our nation’s diplomatic and national security history,” as “perhaps the biggest accomplishment of the Clinton administration.”
As part of this great accomplishment from Clinton, more than 800 million pages of intelligence documents were declassified. Maybe that should have given Hillary an inkling of events to follow.
In October, WikiLeaks began to publish emails from Podesta’s private account. Clinton and Podesta pointed fingers at Russian hackers and said that they were behind the leaks. Podesta’s call for less secrecy apparently didn’t include his and Hillary’s emails. The avalanche of information that followed, gave us a much clearer picture of what these two were all about.
WikiLeaks has now released a memo that should frighten all American citizens. The woman who came close to being our President has a campaign manager who recently signed a deal with probable ISIS supporters and financiers.
Don’t be fooled, Hillary knew what Podesta was doing. She always was and continues to be behind the scenes, calling the shots of her closest people. An email from Deputy National Press Secretary and Senior Spokesman Jesse Ferguson in early 2015 shows the truth behind what even he can not honestly deny is rhetoric:

Hillary & Podesta
Hillary knew exactly what Podesta was planning. Despite her repeated protests to the contrary, it is now coming to light that her stance on terrorism was one of negligence. That would be bad enough but even worse, she seems to be actually doing deals with the devil. Her reign of terror in the White House needed solid overseas contacts. Two months ago, she watched as a business arrangement was negotiated as The Podesta Group was hired by Saudi Arabian company, Saudi Aramco.

Hillary’s long time friend and adviser would be working for a very influential part of Saudi’s government.
The 80 year old company of Saudi Aramco “is the state-owned oil company of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and a fully integrated, global petroleum and chemicals enterprise.” Their impact in Saudi Arabia and the world is significant, “Our plants and the people who run them make us the world’s largest crude oil exporter, producing roughly one in every eight barrels of the world’s oil supply.”
Are we to believe that this powerful company has no ties to terrorist group ISIS? Their website proudly boasts how involved they are in their country, how many people they employ, their ties to foreign industry, and the other important companies they work with. It defies logic that a company with this much influence would have no part, directly or indirectly, with a group such as ISIS.
It has already been shown that there is support for ISIS in Saudi Arabia, and the group directly targets Saudis with fundraising campaigns. These are the people that John Podesta is making deals with.
The Podesta Group being hired by Saudi Aramco is most likely just the beginning of relations that Hillary and her team were building and maintaining in anticipation of a presidential win.
Hillary spent her campaign feeding us lies about her stance on terrorism. She publicly took a hard line saying her plans included:
Working hand in hand with European intelligence services to identify and go after enablers who help jihadists forge documents and travel undetected
Targeting efforts to deal with ISIS affiliates from Libya to Afghanistan
Have a real plan for confronting terrorists
Of course, she gets to define who she thinks our allies are and who is helping the terrorists. There is no reason to believe that her interests are the same as the American people. She disregarded us throughout her whole campaign. We have proof that she was saying one thing in public but doing the opposite privately. Her moral compass did not point to honesty and she had everyone close to her running around securing the promise of power even before she got elected. That selfish attitude would have continued into the White House with her.

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