Ex-IG Solomon Arase According to the report, the recovery of the vehicles was at the order given by current IGP Ibrahim Idris that an investigation should be carried out into the purchase and distribution of vehicles by his predecessors.
Nigerians have reacted in various ways to this news, with many calling for the arrest of Arase. Here is what they have said:
Eneze Baye Imerion showed support for Arase, saying: “Arase is a good man and would never indulge in such acts. Since the history of the Nigerian Police we have never had a fearless and hard working I.G. Arase loves justice and fairness, he is no respecter of persons nor was greedy. May the good Lord give him Victory on every side. Amen.”
Charles Chike Adiele, whose statement formed the basis of the title of this article said: “The Blood of Briafrans he killed will always hunt him down.”
Tinostone Stone put an entirely new spin on things saying: “Arase Solomon the IGP please in the name of God can you tell the world what happened to the evidence of the #41 billion Naira fraud by Awute Linus and Nasidi Abdulsalami. I gave you a copy in 2014 as a DIG investigation. Also as IGP. “You recalled the day ACP Umar Garba sent his team led by Insp Adamu to arrest Awute and co , you stopped them and Awute Linus was in your office at the moment June 2015. Can you please return all the evidence? Arase Solomon why do you look the other way and compromised investigation for your selfish gains?”
Abubakar Mustapha Limanhad this to say: “The 19 SUV Cars recovered nko?? Let every successor probe his predecessor just like PMB is doing. Only then, will the excesses of corrupt public officers be checkmated. Imagine if GEJ had probed his predecessors….at least it would have instilled a little sanity in the system knowing that you will be probed when you leave.”
Kufre Etuk criticized the new IGP saying: “This new IGP, since his appointment has taken delight in blackmailing his former boss instead of working to restore the lost glory of the force. The only crime of Arase according to police source is that he gave the current IGP query to answer few days before he was retired. It’s only a leader who has nothing to offer that will fight his former boss instead of looking for ways to add value to the system.”
Nnamdi Ezema registered disbelief in the story, saying: “How do we believe this? This man was accused by d same IG immediately he assumed office but it later turned out to be false. Who knows whether this media trial will not end as usual. For me, this are all distraction created by this incompetent government to divert the mind of the people from their failures.”
Mary Onisemo said: “These people are just too greedy to be relevant in the society!!! How can a Police boss be so greedy and lying blatantly without remorse? He had enough time to return those vehicles if he did not want to steal them.
Mary Onisemo said: “These people are just too greedy to be relevant in the society!!! How can a Police boss be so greedy and lying blatantly without remorse? He had enough time to return those vehicles if he did not want to steal them.
On Twitter: Muheena Oduwaye had this to say: “He instantly refuted the claim then what could he possibly need as many cars for? Ouright greed!”
Meanwhile, Arase has denied the accusations. According to Sahara Reporters, he said: “What am I going to do with 24 cars? Do I want to open a car shop? This is a malicious accusation. There are ways of verifying issues rather than engaging in media propaganda.”
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